World Hepatitis Day is coming up on July 28, 2014. Whether you are already engaged in hepatitis C work or if you are looking to build your capacity in this area, CATIE has resources to help you prepare.
Here are three ways we can help:
1. We have launched a new series of posters and wallet cards featuring key messages related to hepatitis C prevention, testing, treatment and healthy living. You can order these and other suggested resources from the CATIE Ordering Centre online or by calling 1-800-263-1638. We deliver resources in English, French or other languages to organizations across Canada for free. Be sure to place your order by July 11 to have your resources delivered in time for World Hepatitis Day.
2. We have also released a new article for World Hepatitis Day 2014: “Six key messages to drive home this World Hepatitis Day.” You can help raise awareness by sharing our article on your Facebook page, Twitter account, newsletter or blog. Please e-mail Andrew Brett to let us know if you republish the article or link to it on our website.
3. Visit our World Hepatitis Day web page. We have a list of suggested resources, a brief history of hepatitis C in Canada, and links to educational information for you and your clients.